Friday, January 16, 2009

a purpose.. can't turn away now

Hi, dunno about you and how you feel about the whole Israel/Palestine war... but me, am tired of it!!, so I decided to try and do something about it. so I've created this blog space for all of us to unify and with one loud and firm voice send a clear message to our government - stop the fighting in Gaza! - not via a talk process, that has clearly failed but via the most efficient of diplomatic tools. An economic embargo on Israel.

I don't care about Zionism, Orthodox Jews, who was there first, Canaanites, Jews, Muslims, Christians... whatever!!!.. while the world discusses all of that nonsense, hundreds of innocents are dying or permanently being injured either physically or emotionally on both sides, I have no political agenda. don't follow or subscribe to no party. have only allegiance to truth and justice.

why an embargo? - is the only solution I can think of that does not require our troops or troops from any other nation to get the aggressor (this time Israel) to stop, also, we are funding their war. - how do we feel about our tax dollars buying their weapons?
why punish Israel? if any country was to bomb Israel, we would demand punishment for such action.
why not punish Hammas? the Palestenian people should punish Hammas.

please be aware of how little coverage this conflict is receiving on our national television media. there is currently a military media censorship in effect in the region.

so, how can we help? for starters we have what we believe to be the future for hope for this nation in our president-elect Barak Obama. so we hired him, let's put him to work!! let's see if he is true to his word. let's begin a campaign for congress and the senate to start the economic embargo. let's stop our foreign aid to Israel immediately.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, is great to see people UNITING for a cause. Nice blog!

    Here are my two cents on this situation, this conflict goes beyond our understanding and believes. This is simply a conflict between Jews and Arab muslins. I understand that part of being an American is to bring peace not only to our nation, but to give a hand to our sister nations in conflict (regardless of who they are). In this Jews vs Arabs war I feel that our nation is playing favorite. Perhaps because of the Jew influence in our government or because of the natural resources we would love to get our hands on (oil). Regardless of the matter, we should play a neutral role for both parties.

    “Should we start an economic embargo?” NO. It doesn’t matter that we can’t see Israel from here… (Sarah Palin would agree with me) this is not a good form of foreign policy.
